Buch ready for FullHD inkl. DVD English

Book. HDTV Make-up by Isabelle Voinier
Verkaufspreis44,00 €
Preisnachlass-11,00 €


Ein Fachbuch für Maskenbildner und Visagisten, die vorwiegend in den Bereichen Film und Fernsehen tätig sind. Aber auch für Kameraleute, welche mehr über das Fach erfahren möchten, mit dem sie tagtäglich in engstem Kontakt stehen. Der technische Aspekt des Schminkens wurde als Schwerpunkt vorangestellt, und der Maskenbildner in einer neuen Rolle beschrieben. Nämlich der eines wichtigen Technikers des Bildes. Die erforderliche Anpassung der Schminktechniken und die Notwendigkeit neue Texturen und Farben für die Schminkmaterialien zu verwenden, werden im Kontext der HD-Technologie nicht nur als Behauptung hingestellt, sondern mit nüchternen fachlichen Erklärungen untermauert. Eine beiliegende DVD demonstriert anschaulich, dass es bei HD eindeutig um die Beherrschung der Basics geht. Nämlich um Farbenlehre und um Volumenlehre. HD erfordert ein konzentriertes, minimalistisches Arbeiten. Dieses Buch ist eine Aufforderung nicht nur an die Maskenbildabteilung, sondern auch an die Entscheidungsträger dafür zu sorgen, dass Weiterbildungen vorangetrieben werden, um diese hochkomplexe Technologie besser zu beherrschen.

This book is for makeup artists working mainly in the areas of film and TV. But also for camera people who would like to learn more about the discipline with which they are in close contact every day. I often noticed a certain sense of helplessness in the makeup department with respect to the camera technology. I was repeatedly asked to draw up some written information where all the details were explained. The contemporary HDTV age constitutes a revolution. It is becoming increasingly clear that our profession not only serves the purpose of beauty, but that over the course of time the makeup artist has become not only a craftsman and artist, but also and in parallel to this, an "image technician" required to fulfill ever higher demands. If she doesn't want to get into difficulties, she now has to acquire the technical know-how. She can no longer rely solely on her intuition, her sense of color and her experience. Not even on her own eye – otherwise she will be lost in this highly technical process. More than ever she has to seek dialogue with her colleagues behind the camera and in lighting. It is essential that she learns the language of the modern technology, as this is the basis for any communication on the set or in the studio. In order to better understand the enormous importance of this aspect, it is necessary to explain the correlation between the technical developments in the motion picture and TV sector and the necessity of change in our profession since it has existed in this form. Given that the work of the makeup artists will be increasingly in the foreground, it appears to me all the more important that we consider which precise image the present-day technology brings with it without you having the chance of correcting live images with Photoshop during the broadcast. Enclosed within the book is a DVD to illustrate the aspects of makeup for HD explained in the text.This book represents a challenge not only to the makeup departments, but also to the decision-makers, to ensure that further training is promoted in order to be able to better master this highly complex technology.